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Adega Viúva Gomes

The Viúva Gomes cellar, crown of the portuguese winemaker market, garnishes one of Portugal’s most breathtaking rural landscapes, not far from the capital. There, in Almoçageme, Colares, the vines grow in sany soils, exposed to the mercilessness of the Atlantic.

The cellar, established two centuries ago, presents itself today as a “boutique winery”, well ajusted to the constraints of the tiny demarked region in which it is located. The Viúva Gomes wines are a reflection of the passage of the time and human resilience, envoquing the winemakers’ passion, with a breath of sea.

But the main atraction of this unique terroir is, undoutebly, the one that originates from their Colares DOC wines. A varietal red from the Ramisco caste, native from this area, with an Atlantic perfil and a very delicate mineral acidity, dry texture and some glow of the tannins, that vanishes with the years. On the other hand, the Viúva Gomes white, express itself with great minerality, with sea and iodine aromas, in which the freshness is well felt amougst the saline notes, the dry texture and a very delicate Atlantic acidity.

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Largo Comendador Gomes da Silva, 2 e 3 Almoçageme, 2705-041 COLARES

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